These and other questions found optimal solutions at the Center of Excellence NIS.
In 2022, the CoE initiated the project "Zhas ustaz: tabysqa aparar zhol" to organize effective interaction among young teachers. The main focus is systematic methodological work with young teachers as a strategically important human resource in the development of school education.
In the framework of the project, the Republican forum "Zhas ustaz: tabysqa aparar zhol" was held for the first time on the national scale for the 122 most active and creative young teachers of the country with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Education and well-known foreign experts such as David Marsh, PhD, professor of EduCluster Finland (Finland) and Elaine Wilson, director of the Education, Reform and Innovation team at Cambridge University (UK). Special interest among the participants was aroused by motivational speakers from the media: businessmen, journalists, actors and athletes.
In continuation of the work with young teachers, there were the clubs of young teachers "Zhasampaz zhas ustaz", created in each of the 20 regions of the country. The regional forums "Zhas ustaz: tabysqa aparar zhol" were held where over 3,000 young specialists of comprehensive schools took part.
For the participants, there were organized master classes for the experience exchange ("Digital teacher: fashion or necessity", "Practice of research: the point of growth of a young teacher", "Foresight of the lesson: from the way of thinking to the tools of learning", "Pedagogical engagement: involving and teaching", "Differentiation in learning: lifehacks and creative ideas", "Assessment: simply about complex"), pedagogical battle "Explore not explore", training. Young teachers discussed the secrets of success in the teaching profession: how to develop themselves and develop colleagues at school, how to improve reflective practice, how to be effective in the team and so on.
The trainers of the CoE organized 14 seminars and webinars on topics identified in surveys by young teachers themselves: formation in the profession, research of their own practice, effective lesson planning, differentiation in learning, organization of independent work in the classroom and so on.
For the constant support of young teachers, the CoE created a page "Zhas ustaz: tabysqa aparar zhol", on the social network Instagram, where posts and videos, including tips and tricks from young teachers, are published.
Today, the Club has become a popular platform for close cooperation and interaction of young teachers and a driver for sharing experiences across the professional community.