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Elaine Wilson
Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
I have worked with the Center of Excellence of “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” AEO since 2011. And during that time, I have observed the trainers grow professionally to become world leaders in teacher education. I have no qualms at all about recommending them highly and without any reservation. This is probably the best team that I have worked with in my career.

David Marsh
Director Innovation and Outreach, EduCluster Finland, University of Jyuvaskyla Group
From us, here, in Finland, experience of some years of working with the developers and trainers of the Center of Excellence has been a meeting of minds, it has been a meeting of highly educated people.
Navruz Mirzozoda
Director of the Republican Institute for Professional Development of Education Staff of the Republic of Tajikistan
Tajikistan is moving towards professional training together with Kazakhstani colleagues, and successful co-operation marks a new stage in the professional growth of our teachers.

Nazakat Mehdiyeva
Director of the Center for Teachers` Professional Development (Azerbaijan)
The visit of Azerbaijani teachers to the Center of Excellence was a great opportunity not only to improve our qualification, but also to get acquainted with the culture of the beautiful nation. Nowadays one of the most important problems of education in the world is the students' competence development. Learning from the trainers during the last two weeks allowed us to understand deeply the difficulties in teaching and analyze them profoundly.
Diana Dimova
the representative of the European Union in the Republic of Tajikistan
The EU project was entrusted to Kazakhstan's Center of Excellence as one of the world's most successful professional development organisations.

Toshiya Chichibu
senior researcher at the National Institute of Educational Policy Japan
Since 2012, the CoE training program has incorporated lesson studies, leading to an increasing number of schools participating in these studies. In 2013, I had the honor of being invited to Kazakhstan as an advisor for lesson study. A survey conducted by the CoE in October 2019 revealed that over 80% of schools reported conducting lesson study. Participants in the upcoming WALS Kazakhstan conference will have the opportunity to explore the cutting-edge developments in Kazakhstan's national approach to lesson study.
Emil Ryskulov
Director of "Akylman" Presidential Lyceum Republic of Kyrgyzstan
I would like to express our gratitude to you for conducting in-service training courses for teachers of the Presidential Lyceum "Akylman". One of the key points of the courses is the individual approach to each participant. The teachers who lead the courses have extensive experience in pedagogy and understand the specifics of our lyceum. We discuss different approaches to education, share best practices and together we solve the problems we face in our daily work. This allows us to develop and make positive changes in the educational process.

Alexey Drenin
Director of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra
Breaking all the clichés, crushing down all the standards, traditional norms in education. Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools could make it, applying essentially new approaches to the formation of educational programmes. Certainly, the practice here is one the best, because it represents, in its essence, a collection of the greatest practices of the world.
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