As a part of a large-scale project of the European Union to promote the national education system, an up-to-date seminar "Pedagogy of the Future: solutions for modern schools" was organized in Dushanbe.
Director of the CoE, Zhanbota Kabdykarimova, expert Sapura Zholdasbayeva, trainer Julia Melnikova analyzed global changes in the modern worldview (SPOD, VUCA, BANI) and global trends in school education.
The very first achievement of the international project can be the huge motivation for professional growth of Tajik teachers.
– Life is not a dogma, life is always a moving forward, and we are not just ready, we are inspired to learn from our colleagues from fraternal Kazakhstan," admitted Hamza Novruzov, adviser to the director of the Republican educational and Methodological center under the Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan.