Meeting with talented and successful professionals, workers of culture, science and art became a great tradition in AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools”.
On May 28, 2021 the Center of Excellence organized an online meeting with the Doctor of Medical Science, Chairman of the Board of “University Medical Center” Corporate Fund, Head of the Department of Surgery and Research at “National Research Cardiac Surgery Center”, Pya Yuriy Vladimirovich.
The Chairperson of AEO “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” Shamshidinova Kulyash Nogatayevna warmly welcomed the world-known professor.
According to Yuriy Vladimirovich, the key to success in a workplace is a teamwork, correct distribution of leadership and high motivation to help people. The main mentors in his life he calls his parents, the teachers be profession, who raised him to love people.
Love of the cause, honesty and openness is considered as the formula for success. With great pleasure he talked about the work of the Foundation «Heart Center», about charity, healthy lifestyle, and big plans for the future.
More than 300 staff members of the organization listened about the medical practice and scientific developments of the scientist. Addressing the meeting participants, Yuriy Vladimirovich gave three advice for a healthy lifestyle: proper time management, the pursuit of positivity, and the search for reasons for positive and good deeds.