Since 2015, the Center of Excellence NIS has been implementing the Leading Schools project on the basis of school cooperation to improve the quality of education, adapt to change and promote continuous search and professional development.
Every year, with the project, teachers independently acquire new knowledge and share it with other partner schools.
This year, 8,000 activities were carried out within the leading schools and communities, and the number of leading schools reached 1,838.
Kulyash Shamshidinova, the Chairperson of the Executive Board of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, gave her feedback: “Today, the leading schools have become the drivers for the partner schools. Thanks to their efforts, the quality of teaching and educational environment is actively developing. On the basis of the project, some 60,000 methodological works have been carried out. This not only proved the viability and importance of the Leading Schools project in Kazakhstan but also exemplified the implementation of the most relevant trends in the development of the professional and pedagogical community”.
The establishment of partnerships and the sharing of experiences between schools ensures the successful implementation of the educational process.
28 December 2022
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